Masons Recognizing Masons
Part of being a Mason is to take the good man you were before you were made a Mason, and become a better man. Those actions can come from simple acts of kindness and generosity to finding new ways to help those around you both in need and throughout life
Help us identify those that have done so much for others and for Masonry as a whole by recognizing them for their actions
There is no greater gift than the appreciation you get from helping those around around you.
The ability for one to inspire a person and have them say because of you I didn’t give up is truly priceless!
Making Good Men Better Men is the primary focus of Freemasonry. Through our ancient and honorable fraternity good me find new ways improve themselves both morally and spiritually. Helping Hands is our way of recognizing Brothers from Chandler Thunderbird Lodge No. 15 for how they practice these teachings on a daily basis. Please share with us a story that you have about one of our Brothers and how they have acted or conducted themselves as a Mason, as well as why you think it is an example of how a Mason should act and be.