About us
Freemasonry is an organization of men who strive to live by the fundamental principles of truth, morality and brotherly love. It is a non-profit organization and supports charity and community service. It unifies men of high ideals regardless of their color, creed or worldly status. There are many reasons why men choose to be Freemasons. It promotes brotherly love, self-development, family and community values. Freemasonry provides members with an opportunity for public service and hands-on involvement in charitable and community issues, as well as a chance for them to socialize with men from all walks of life without religious, political or social barriers.
Lodge Meeting Times and Events
Freemasons and those that are interested in Freemasonry are always welcome to visit the lodge
The Blue Lodge meetings begin every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM with fellowship starting at 5:00 PM at the Lodge.
The dress is formal (Dark Suit or Tux if possible) but all are welcome.
Stated Meeting are held the Second Tuesday of each month except during July and August when the lodge is dark (closed). Stated Meetings are preceded by a dinner at 6:00 PM ; with the Stated Meeting starting promptly at 7:00 PM
Degree nights begin at 6:00 PM with an hour of fellowship. Degrees are conferred starting at 6:00 PM unless otherwise stated
Every Tuesday night at starting at 5:00 at the Lodge. The dress is business casual.
Masonic Bodies
All Master masons are able to Join and participate in appendant masonic bodies.

The Scottish Rite degrees teach a series of moral lessons culminating in the 32°, Master of the Royal Secret. The Scottish Rite continues a Master Mason’s education in many ways:

Shriner’s International is based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. … The organization is best known for the Shriner’s Hospitals for Children that it administers, and the red fezzes that members wear.

The York Rite provides additional Masonic teachings and confers additional relevant degrees. York Rite is flavored with more of a Christian message, but is open to all denominations.